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Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas

Daniel (IP Logged)
September 25, 2012 11:30AM

Gal kas buvote susidire:
Programa Cubase 6.5. Kompiuteris MAc pro desktop, Intel Xeaon 2600 Dual. Rme fireface 800.

Su ketvirta versija viskas buvo tvarkoj o suinstaliavau nauja ir grafika kai zoom in ar zoom out darai, tai taip strigineja. Kai scrolla darai tai del to zoomo pastoviai pervaziuoja ar nedavaziuoja. O Jeigu projektas jau pilnas tai isvys sunkoka dirbti nes kartas "H" paspaudi kad labai priartinti ir jau taip zostkai stabdo kad net kai jau atleidi tai dar pora sekundziu jisai zoomina. Gal midiaudio zino atsakyma??

Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Dalius (IP Logged)
September 25, 2012 12:36PM

o kiek RAMo kompe?

Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Rimtautas (IP Logged)
September 25, 2012 06:24PM

Man su Cubase 3 ant PC su XP taip buvo. Su 6.5 ir Win7 viskas normaliai. Tiesa RAM'o pasipildžiau nuo 2 iki 6 GB
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
pranza (IP Logged)
September 25, 2012 08:19PM

anuomet H2o chebra rašė, kad kubeisas yra tiek apraizgytas apsauga nuo kopijavimo, kad ji programą sulėtina tiek, kad netgi pastumdyt natas reikalauja nesveikai daug resursų, ir kiek pamenu, kaip tik siūlė pazūmint midi taką ir patampyt natas, stebėt kaip keistai tatai veikia... gal čia irgi susiję.
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
velnietis (IP Logged)
September 25, 2012 09:37PM

palyginus su pro toolsais ir daugeliu kitu programu greiciu cubase yra F1
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
September 26, 2012 11:05AM

Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
September 26, 2012 08:53PM

no ideas?
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Dalius (IP Logged)
September 26, 2012 09:49PM

čia su tuščiu projektu?

Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
September 27, 2012 04:18PM

ir su tusciu
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Dalius (IP Logged)
September 27, 2012 05:36PM

kuri OS versija?
(pas mus MacBookPro - 10.7.4 - absoliučiai jokių problemų)

Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
September 27, 2012 11:04PM

snow leopard
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
September 28, 2012 04:19PM

pagaliau issiaiskinau, istirkuju sprendimas buvo labai paprastas. Apple zenkliuka paspaudziu update softwire ir rstarta padariau. Dabar viskas veikia gerai.
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Dalius (IP Logged)
September 28, 2012 05:06PM

o, gerai. nes jei atvirai - minčių neturėjau:-(

Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
September 30, 2012 09:49AM

Seip dar steinberg veliau atsiunte kaip istaisyti tai. Sake kad cia dazna problema, tai Daliau jeigu norite galeciau jum persiusti ju sprendyma, gal pravers kadanors.
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Silvestras (IP Logged)
October 01, 2012 09:59AM

Gal galima būtų sužinot steinberg'o sprendimą, manau daug kam įdomu ir ateičiai praverstų.Ačiū.
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
October 05, 2012 06:20PM

Please optimze your mac:

Optimizing Mac OS X for DAWs

This article provides useful instructions on how to optimize Mac OS X for digital audio workstations. The first part is focusing on general operating system maintenance. More specific trouble shooting tips can be found in the second part which is dealing with CPU and performance related issues.
1. General Mac OS X Maintenance

1.1 Repairing Permissions

This is a classic Mac OS X trouble shooting issue. You'll get very different advices when it comes to the Repair Permissions function of the Disk Utility in Mac OS X. Some people recommend to repair permissions on a regular basis, some do this even before and after every single installation. Others never repair permissions without running into problems. At least it is important to know that there is the possibility of repairing permissions in case you are experiencing troubles with your system and/or Cubase:

Go to Applications/Utilities and start Disk Utility.
On the left side of the Disk Utility window select your system volume/partition.
On the right side make sure the First Aid tab is selected and then click on the Repair Disk Permissions button. (Of course you may click on Verify Disk Permissons at first. But as most of the time there are some permissions that need to be repaired you can save some time by skipping the verification and starting the repair at once.)

Apple articles dealing with permissions:

About Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions feature
Troubleshooting permissions issues in Mac OS X

1.2 Running Maintenance Scripts

Mac OS X is a pretty carefree operating system. However, since some built-in maintenance scripts are scheduled to be executed in the middle of the night, some manual operation is necessary from time to time when your Mac is asleep at night. In Apple's words: "Mac OS X performs background maintenance tasks at certain times if the computer is not in sleep mode. If your computer is shut down or in sleep at the designated times, the maintenance does not occur. In that case, you may want or need to run these manually."

Read more: Mac OS X: How to force background maintenance tasks

1.3 Updating Mac OS X

You don't have to be the first one to install and run a Mac OS X update that has just been released. But in general it is good to keep your system up to date. At least when you want to keep your applications and drivers up to date. If you are unsure if a specific Mac OS X or QuickTime update is recommendable simply do a search in our user forums. New OS updates are discussed there almost immediately after the release and you can assume that eventual problems will be reported very soon by less prudent resp. bolder users.

1.4 Optimizing Hard Disks

Before you think about optimizing your hard drive (because someone told you this is a very important thing to do) please read this Apple article:

About disk optimization with Mac OS X
2. Possible Causes of Unusually High CPU Load

The following information might be of help if the VST Performance Meter in one of our applications is showing an unusually high load or even drop-outs and peaks are visible and audible.

2.1 Latency/Buffer Setting

The "ASIO" part of the VST Performance Window (Devices menu) indicates how much resources are left to calculate the audio data and forward it to the audio driver in time. If the latency is very low (which is corresponding to a very small buffer size) time might be too short for proper signal processing. Depending on the system, the audio interface and the running project, it might make sense to increase the latency/buffer setting. Please refer to the manual of the corresponding audio interface for details.

Updating the audio driver might also improve the overall system performance and allow using latencies which weren't usable before. Generally, internal audio cards using the PCI or PCIe bus are able to provide lower latencies than external USB or Firewire based audio interfaces.

2.2 Processor Perfomance Setting

On some Macs it is possible to adjust the processor's performance in order to save battery power. Open the Energy Saver panel (Apple menu > System Preferences...) in order to make sure that your Mac is calculating at full throttle... If available on your system, you'll find the corresponding settings under Options/Optimization.

Also note that MacBooks and MacBooks Pro do reduce processor speed if the battery is not inserted in order to prevent a an overload of the A/C adaptor.

2.3 Multi/Multicore Processors

Multiple cores and/or processors need system resources to synchronize the cores. This can also lead to peaks, drop-outs and a generally higher basic load. For details, please refer to this article.

2.4 VST Bridge

The VST Bridge enables old PowerPC (G4/G5 processors) based plug-ins to run on Intel-based Macs. Please note that certain "VST bridged" plug-ins create high processor loads and can cause performance issues. In general, it is recommended to use current plug-in versions that run natively on Intel-based Macs, if available. Check the plug-in manufacturer's site for update if you experience performance troubles with a PowerPC plug-in. For further details, please refer to this article.

2.5 Apple Airport

Apple Airport (WLAN) can cause performance issues when running challenging realtime applications. Particularly when working on large projects with a high basic load, disabling Airport might tip the scales.
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
October 05, 2012 06:20PM

Tai vat taip vyruciai, gal kada prireiks kamnors
Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Dalius (IP Logged)
October 07, 2012 06:57PM

O tai kas tau iš tų konkrečiai padėjo?

Re: Cybase 6.5 grafikos velavymas
Daniel (IP Logged)
October 12, 2012 03:50PM

As tik draiverius updaetinau mako ir viskas:)))
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