Gal kas esat bande ar siaip zinot, kokias stygas deti ant gitareles (1/4 normalios gitaros dydzio, 17" skale), kad suderinus ant EADGBE butu normalus itempimas? Uzsienio forumuose zmones raso, kad deda visokias hard tension kaip pvz D'addario J44. Ka manot?
P.S. standartinis gitareliu derinimas ADGCEA Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2014 11:20PM by KarolisDirma. |
Su jokiom stygom man derinimas nuo E neskambejo. Gitaleles intonacija visai kitaip sureguliuota =) gitalelei perku pigiausias klasikines gitaros stygas ir danziau keiciu. Manau jei nori mazos gitaros su normaliu derinimu tai ir perki maza gitara su normaliu derinimu. Gitalele yra visai kitas instrumentas =)
na taip, bet vistiek idomu, ka imanoma isspausti :)
stai ka radau: [i] The guitalle is meant to be tuned adgcea. Eventually, I recognized that adgce is pretty close to adgbe. I tuned down the c string, and tried some guitar music, and it sounded good. So, I took off all the strings, and set the high a string aside. I put the e string first, the c string second, and so on. I tune the c string to b, and get a fresh low e string from a classical guitar set, and tune that to e on the 6th spot. Lo and behold, a nice sounding eadgbe tuning on the guitalele, and all the strings except number 6 are at or very near normal tension.[/i] gal ir logiska? :) |
na tai pats pabandyk pasiimt hard tension stygas ir susiderint e standart. pamatysi intonacijos problemas. ir nereiks googlint ir tiket viskuo ka ten raso. pats su naujom stygom pabandziau savo yamaha gitalele taip suderint. e standartas nu intonacija i lanka , a standartas super tiksliai ir graziai